The Keeping All Students Safe Act
End Seclusion, Prevent & Reduce Use of Restraint
Tell Congress to support and pass the Keeping All Students Safe Act (KASSA). This bill would prohibit schools from secluding any child or use any dangerous restraints that restrict breathing or can cause harm. KASSA would only allow restraint when needed to protect students and staff from serious physical injury. Importantly, the bill would provide funds to train school personnel so they can address behaviors with proactive evidence-based strategies.
According to the 2018 Civil Rights Data Collection, of the students restrained or secluded, 78 percent were students with disabilities. Although Black students comprise 15 percent of the student population, they represent 22 percent of students subjected to seclusion and 34 percent of students subjected to mechanical restraint.
Now is the time to email your members of Congress and tell them to pass this vital bill. Students with disabilities deserve the opportunity to pursue their education free from the fear of trauma and abuse. Let’s end these dangerous practices in schools today!