Virtual Briefing: Keeping All Students Safe: How Seclusion and Restraint Harms Children and What Congress Can Do to Stop It

In this virtual briefing, a distinguished panel shared their lived experiences with seclusion and restraint and discussed why Congress must pass the Keeping All Student Safe Act (HR 3474/S.1878) to end the use of seclusion, prevent and reduce the use of physical restraint, and provide funding to schools so personnel are prepared to support all students in a safe and positive environment.
Participants The Honorable Patty Murray (D-WA) The Honorable Chris Murphy (D-CT) Denise Marshall, CEO, Council of Parent Attorneys and Advocates (moderator) Victoria Johnson: Parent and Founder, Families United for Self-Empowerment, North Dakota Sam Maloney: Self-advocate and Photographer, New York Heidi O'Leary: Director of Special Education, MSD 75 Maine Dan Stewart, Esq.: Legal Director, Minnesota Disability Law Center Julie Wiener: Self-advocate, Pennsylvania Angie Zara: 4th Grade Teacher, Capital City Public Charter School, Washington, DC
View the webinar here (captions begin at 6 minutes).